Welcome to Kingsize Feastivities

A person who loves to eat , will always like to explore the food world..& a person who loves to eat , can never be skinny...
I would like to share with the world , to the food i prepare & explore....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Oyster omelette

Just to share what i had for our dinner for the past few days, these is Ramen & Oyster Omelette  from Bagus IMM.

Chicken Ramen
 Squid Ramen

Oyster omelette

These are actually leftover french loaf - which i modified & change the look into ' Jemput Jemput Roti ', i add on the egg, chillies & crab meat - make into balls & fry them - so called  ' bread croket '.. taste so crispy outside & yet soft inside..

Bread Croket - made on Wed - 7/12/11

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